

Why am I constantly recommending a high consumption of green vegetables? Let’s dive into some of the health benefits starting with broccoli. Yup, broccoli. With all the attention given to kale over the last 10+ years, broccoli has sadly been taking the backseat. Well, we are still big fans in our home and I keep in our meal planning rotation. 

Here’s why: Broccoli has twice as much vitamin C as an orange and almost as much calcium as in a cup of whole milk. Also, the calcium found in broccoli is more absorbable than that of dairy products. This superveg is high in fiber, low in calories, a great source of vitamins C, A, K, folate, potassium, selenium. It may protect against cancer, contains potent antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, helps with digestion by reducing constipation and balances blood sugar levels. Does that sound like enough of a reason? :) If you have a sensitive gut, go slow and don’t eat it raw! 

Here are some ways that I love to eat broccoli

*Whole grain pasta with chicken/veg sausage (like @applegate Farms) with garlic, onions, broccoli, mushrooms and eggplant. Brown the sausage then add the veg. Combine with cooked pasta.

*Slow and low roasted in the oven. Toss with olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder. Let it brown up for extra goodness.

*Sauteed with garlic, onions, olive oil. Add water to the pan at the end and cover for a few mins to soften the stems.

*Slathered in peanut sauce or Tahini!

Any other good broccoli recipes out there??




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